Three Centre Visit to Help Kenya

SASWE (Salvation Army Symphonic Wind Ensemble ) assembled in Bristol from all parts of the UK territory to help raise much needed funds for The Kenya Trust.

SASWE at Bristol

Hosted by Bristol Easton the Saturday concert was presented at Staple Hill, due to renovations taking place in the host corps building. A full hall enjoyed a varied programme, compered in an amiable fashion by SASWE’s leader, Andrew Mackereth, supported by Bristol Easton Songsters. A highlight was both groups combining to perform Dry your tears Africa which gave a real flavour of the continent.

Sunday morning worship was conducted by the group at Bristol Citadel where congregations from both Easton and Citadel combined, and were supported by the Citadel Songster Brigade.  The week-end concluded with lunch in the Community Hall at Bristol Easton, for members of SASWE and their hosts.

A total of over £3000 was raised which will go towards providing improved library facilities for the SA Children’s Home in Mombasa. The Trustees acknowledge thanks to Staple Hill and Bristol Citadel corps and SASWE who provided a Christian music message with a difference.      – MO



